Monday, March 23, 2009

Gym rage!

I'm getting into the habit of hitting the gym, and it's quite satisfying. Regardless, I missed quite a few days last week - but I have an excuse. Surgery, once again on my mouth to help my bicuspid #11 tooth come down. Lame I know. I'm sick, sick, sick of all of it and CANNOT wait for all of this to be over. Okay, enough of that....
Gym. From my previous blog, and wanting to get in shape - I've been doing quite well. Just not eating as much junk, controlling my portions...and more importantly - eating breakfast. This is a hard habit for me to get into. I just can't get into it. But I'm working on it.

I have really enjoyed these weight classes that are available at the YMCA. Love it! The pain is a feel good kind of pain, like I accomplished something... If I were to go to the free weights that are in the "weight room" I'd be lost.

Mondays are by far my favorite day at the Y: Weights & Abs for 45 minutes, and then an hour long Yoga class follows afterwards.

Let's see what I can accomplish by June 22nd...
...June 22nd? Neil and I fly out to CA for a week long vacation. So excited!!!

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