Sunday, July 26, 2009

I've lost my mo-jo

I need to sort my thoughts out.
I am trying to understand what has happened in my life, to cause me to lose some of who I am. It's like I don't know how to communicate anymore. I'm boring. There was a time in my life, you couldn't get me to shut up. Talk, talk, talk, talk,talk.....
I think I was fun at one time in my life...? That people liked my company...
I don't know. Maybe it's the fact I don't have any of my best girlfriends out here for me to talk to? I'm feeling lost. I don't know what the solution could be...
I don't want to complain, or I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me. It's the strangest thing. What has happened to my outgoing personality? I feel I've been sucked dry.
Where have all my friends gone?
Why do people change?
You go from being someone's close friend - to being an acquaintance - to zero communication.
Mind you - I feel this is all my fault. I have serious issues. I take things too personal. I judge people, even though I say I don't. I get jealous over the silliest, pettiest things.

I need my mo-jo back.


dancing with fireflies said...
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dancing with fireflies said...

I love you my darling! You can call me whenever you want.
*this song will become the anthem of your underground, you're two floor down getting high in my back room, if I flooded out your house do you think you'd make it out...
just think of me singing to you every time we got into the car.

molly june. said...

i hope you get your mo-jo back 'cause you one cool mamajama!!! :D love you!