Saturday, November 6, 2010

My munchkin? It's a GIRL....

Basically since month #2 I've felt I was having a girl. I would beam with excitement, and then think oh wait, what if it's a boy? I can't be disappointed... I mean, everyone knows I wanted a girl, but wasn't sure if it was possible. Hello! My sister has FOUR boys!!!!! Annnnnd Neil's family is run by males. What were my chances? Don't get me wrong, I would've been completely happy with a boy. A mini-Neil? How precious is that?
As the days, weeks progressed, my feelings only grew stronger and I would try and change them. Friday morning, the day of my appointment, I stood in front of the mirror and said it's a boy. I know it sounds silly...I just didn't want to be disappointed if the tech were to say it's a boy. My feelings of it being a girl were sooooo strong, so of course it didn't work.
It didn't help that last month Neil actually said, with much confidence "it's a girl, why do we even need to check?!" Ever since 'kid talk' he has loved the thought of having a daddy's girl....and would smile ear to ear picturing her being a mini-me. *tear
The day was finally here....boy or girl? We walked into the room, and we were asked "so, do you guys want to know what you're having?" We replied with a big "YES!" We start talking w/her and she asked if I thought the baby was one or the other...which I told her my feelings of it being a girl. She moves around my tummy and for what seems like forever she says "Well, it looks like you both are having a girl." I, of course, made her say it again. I couldn't believe I was right. Neil and I high-fived, and I started to tear up. So happy.
She was so tucked and turned the other way, that I didn't get any good sonogram photos. I do however have to go back in a week....since she was so tucked, and had her arm tucked under her chin, the tech couldn't see her heart. Her heart sounded very strong, but they like to see it. So, I go back in a week. Hopefully I'll get some good pictures then.
Annnnnnd I just realized I didn't take any photos of myself. Sorry. I do plan to go out and run errands tomorrow, so I'll attempt to get a shot in :)


molly june. said...

oh, dawna. i'm soso happy for you! i tear up thinking of you as a momma to a baby girl. she's gonna light up your life :) & you're gonna be so good at being her momma.

love you friend! congrats! xo.

Micah Ensor said...

The thought of a mini-Dawna is precious but........ she may come out (God help us all) as a mini, female, Neil Andrew!!! And yes I am sure she will shout "I HATE BABY JESUS" in the middle of church just to spite you! Only time will tell and I for one am on the edge of my seat!