Thursday, September 16, 2010

my pregnancy moments....

So far, the last 8 weeks that I've been pregnant-aware, I've had some moments....

When it comes to eating, I'm hungry every 2-3 hours...and it's just a bite of something, or a snack. To find the right food to eat? Now, that's the challenge. The worst days, are the days I work. I am packing my La La Land bag FULL of stuff. Anything from apples, raisins, fruit snacks, oranges to crackers, and then there's my actual lunch. OH! And don't get me started on breakfast. I just don't want to eat anything. If we had a Del Taco here, I'd be hittin' that place up EVERY. DAY. Not kidding. Mmmmmm, breakfast burrito, add bacon please. Yum. (I did attempt to make my own burrito yesterday morning, but no bacon. It was topped off with Del Taco's del scorchio sauce, courtesy of Brooke Lacy - it was pretty dang good!)
Some have asked if I've had any caffeine headaches... nope! It's so great. And strange. I really could care less for coffee. ME?! Not want an iced carmel macciato? Nope. Weird, right? Everywhere I've read that I should stay away from spicy foods, I could get heart burn really bad. Guess what? No heart burn. This baby loves spicy! Thank God. And I know you're all thinking she must be eating hot cheetos everyday then! Buuuuut, I'm not. I'm just not craving them. I did once, and Neil went out and got me some (love him!)...but that's all.
I really and truly am a California girl because I would kill for some great Mexican food, and In 'n Out.... Annnnnnd I have literally dreamed of food. Last night for instance, dreamed we got a Jack in the Box here in Erie. I woke up craving their tacos. It's just silly.

Okay, enough about food...
As far as being sick, and having morning sickness, I really haven't had it too bad. The nausea lingers all day, but that's about it. That doesn't count the last 2 days though...throwing up, not wanting to eat a single thing! So nuts. And here I thought, since I was starting my 2nd trimester, things would start to feel normal. (So far today, I'm feeling pretty good. Hoping it won't turn for the worst as the day progresses...)
I sleep a lot. I love sleeping, so that's fine with me. Unless I'm at work, then that's an issue...but I just drink cold water, and that wakes me up a little. On occasion, I'll wake up at night to use the bathroom, sometimes twice. Which sucks because I hate the dark. There are some nights when I'll wake up, and just can't fall back asleep. That's usually when I take myself out to the living room and watch tv. Those nights are not so fun.
My lower back seems to hate me right now. If I sit the wrong way, or get up a certain way, the pain is just takes my breath away sometimes. I'm sure it's only going to get worse. So I started stretching my back out more, which seems to help. And taking baths helps out too.
Now, physically. My belly is getting thicker. It's the only place my clothes don't fit. This week, I've been wearing my "when I feel fat & bloated pants" - and those are getting snug in the belly area. It's freakin' me out a bit because this munchkin is only the size of a lime right now... Everywhere else on my body, the clothes are loose. I think it might be time to go shopping. My mother-in-law is taking me out, and I'm quite nervous about it...but also real excited. I mean, what girl doesn't love to be able to let her belly out, and not have to suck in? :)


dancing with fireflies said...

I love you! I'm thinking you are going to start sending me pictures...why because you love me!

Unknown said...

so exciting! I love reading about your pregnancy stories keep it up.