Friday, August 21, 2009

...I think it's back mo-jo
I have been in a rut. But this past week, I think I'm starting to come around again....yay.

It all started when I went to Corry last week, and just had the best girl time with my friend Laura. I needed it. I was always accustomed to having Brooke by my side 35 hours a week, and then some, because we hung out outside of work as well. Which means, I had girl time 35+ hours a week. I light bulb went off about a week and a 1/2 ago that I haven't been able to just gab it up with someone. This is all sounding so silly, but I don't care. It's the truth. I need girl talk. And I don't mean gossiping. Just straight giggling, stress relieving, what-have-you-been-up-to GIRL chats. I left Corry that night feeling back to normal. Plus, that baby of hers - precious! Evelyn has her mom's good looks, and her dads bubbling personality - in my opinion. Laura seems to think she looks like Jon, but I beg to differ. She definitely has her mom's curly hair. Her constant question of "was-sat!" just melts my heart.

Let's speed this post up, FYI:
Friday date day with Neil - Breakfast, District 9 (soo good), grocery shopping

Saturday, JW practice, which lead into a Hartman grill out with the boys. (Also, story time with Sean. Instead of reading the suggested literature from him, he is now going to give me a 15 minute run down of these books. So much quicker, and he tells it so well.)

Sunday, Neil's NFL Dynasty Fantasy Football Draft. 6 hours. 12 guys. 12 Dynasty Teams. (Remember my job last year? I did it again, but triple the madness. oh and back pain.) Neil didn't make any "panic picks", but he still has one more draft to go...

Autumn and company hang out on Monday - baby Emma is getting so big!

Tuesday, movie night with the Hamps: Time Travelers Wife (I cried, duh)

Wednesday, another trip to Corry with Sean and Neil in tow...very fun night.

Which leads to today. I got up early to go to the gym for the 2nd morning in a row. I will continue to take my weight classes in the afternoons, but these morning workouts are pretty dang awesome. The emptiness is very desirable.
Neil officially started his school year with an "In Service" day. There was a meeting, and then he got his classroom situated. Same grade, same classroom...he's looking forward to his 2nd year.

Now, it's a Friday night - and I'm sitting here at the computer, in my house - alone. Let's hope my weekend doesn't continue like this sad, pathetic Friday night....

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